The process of the general elections broadly includes the following events, mentioned in the chronological order in which they are to be conducted over the course of the Election period:
The following group of students will take part in the process as voters and constitute the electoral college for the General Elections of the SBG -
A candidate can contest for a post through general elections if he/she satisfies the following criteria:
It is mandatory for every candidate to submit a manifesto to the EC (Election Commission), which will be shown in the ‘Janta Ki Adalat’ by the EC. Some general guidelines regarding the format and submission of the candidate manifesto:
The opening of nominations serves as the formal announcement of the commencement of the General Elections.
Any candidate who wishes to stand for elections can nominate himself/herself through the process outlined by the EC when nominations are opened.
The Code Of Conduct shall be put into effect from the day of opening of nominations, till the day of announcement of results. No withdrawals of nomination in oral or written form shall be accepted during the nomination period.
The Address By The Previous Committees is the first formal event of the General Elections. The event aims to direct one’s attention to three particular matters:
To inform the student community about the roles and responsibilities of a particular committee member.
To provide the student community with an informed opinion on agendas taken up by a particular committee in the recent past.
To help them gain knowledge about the current issues a committee is facing and prospective agendas that are to be taken up by the particular committee in the near future.
The event will give a platform for a few Committee Members (preferably Committee Heads) to address the candidates and the student community as a whole about affairs in accordance with the objectives of the event as stated in the previous point.
The student community is encouraged to attend the event to help them vote more responsibly.
The Nomination Withdrawal Period is a short duration window that allows any candidates who have previously nominated themselves to withdraw their candidatures and remove themselves from the election process.
Any candidate who wishes to withdraw his/her nomination can submit an application for the same in the manner outlined by the EC at the beginning of the Nomination Withdrawal Deadline.
Once the withdrawal form is submitted, a candidate is not allowed to take it back and reinstate his/her candidature.
The Janta Ki Adalat serves as a formal platform for showcasing a candidate’s uniqueness in front of the student community.
The event would involve each candidate being given dedicated floor time to state their credentials and present his/her views and reasons to support his/her nomination to the respective committee. The event can also serve as a formal platform for candidates to talk about his/her personal views on the shortcomings and issues faced with regard to the workings of the committee and how he/she plans to tackle those issues, if elected.
The dedicated floor time for every candidate is followed by a fixed duration of a one-to-one question/answer session with the candidates regarding their agendas, views and past experience.
The EC may declare a particular line of questioning as invalid, if it appears to be an attack on the personal character of the candidate. The candidate may declare a particular line of questioning as invalid and refrain from answering questions related to that if it appears to be a personal attack on him/her.
It is mandatory for every candidate to attend the Janta Ki Adalat. As an exception to this point, when candidates are contesting unopposed, they need not be present during this event.
The rest of the student community is encouraged to attend the event to help them vote more responsibly.
The candidature of those, who are absent from the event is subject to cancellation if they fail to produce proof from the EC (in form of a mail) that exempts them from the same.
Students must refrain from campaigning in the period of 24 hours prior to the start of Polling.