Student Placement Cell

The Placement Cell at DA-IICT is a concept in its own form. It works professionally abiding the hierarchy of the placement officer followed by the placement secretary, the faculty members and finally the student representatives from each stream. The hierarchy aims at touching all the aspects required for the smooth functioning of placement body of the reputed ICT forerunner Institution DA-IICT. The Placement Cell in DA-IICT works professionally with the Industry to explore opportunities for DA-IICT graduates for placement. The Cell makes its best efforts to reach out to all sub-sectors of the industry in order to ensure that DA-IICT graduates spread across the industry. The role of the Student Placement Cell, DA-IICT is to act just as an interface between the student community and the recruiters in order to organize and smoothen on-campus placements. An important function of SPC is to formulate the placement policy along with Placement Cell. It also works to compile requisite data –Student-related and company-related information. The main burden on the Student Placement Cell, DA-IICT is to ensure the best placements for the student community in both ways, qualitatively and quantitatively.

Seat Matrix
Batch Election
B.Tech 1st Year 3
B.Tech 2nd Year 4
B.Tech 3rd Year 9(Carry forward)
M.Sc/M.Des 2(Both from M.Sc)
Key Responsibilities
  • The primary goal of the Student Placement Committee is to organize on-campus placements and internships for all Final year students and summer internships for all pre- final year students, in the best possible jobs/internships, with the best possible salaries irrespective of any criteria ( batch, CPI etc.).
  • This is a unique committee in which the students, faculty and staff of the Placement Committee work closely together, as one entity, in all aspects of the processes of placements.
  • The placement cycle is loosely de ned to be from one placement cum internship fair to the next.
  • During a placement cycle, the committee is responsible for the placements of two sets of batches
  • The batches whose placement fair is just finished, but which still have unplaced students; and for which niche companies would typically not have come. These batches are henceforth called the graduating batches.
  • The batches whose placement fair will be in the subsequent year. These batches are henceforth called the batches to be placed.
  • To organize Pre-Placement activities for both graduating batch and batches to be placed.
  • To regularly organize sessions to keep the student community updated about the on-going and past placement cycle.
  • Formulate a placement policy at the beginning of the placement cycle for the next placement fair.
  • Compile list of companies (in all areas of interest) to be targeted for inviting for on-campus placements, for the batches to be placed.
  • Compile all student data (10th, 12th, graduation marks, date of birth, gap between certificate/degree exams, CPI, etc.) asked for by companies, for the batches to be placed.
  • Compile list of companies to be invited for the graduating batches, specially for the unplaced students, and niche companies.
  • Contact the compiled list of companies to invite them for on-campus placements. (The process of contacting will take various forms, such as writing letters, making phone calls, or making personal visits by a team from the institute, etc.).
  • Maintain a website for placements.
  • Maintain a constant line of communication with the student body, regarding all aspects of placement activities.
  • Assist in all aspects of logistics during visits from companies.
  • SPC will not be responsible for the hospitality of the recruiters coming on campus for placement. This responsibility will lie solely upon the institute and the staff employed by it.
  • SPC will not supervise any activity during the placement process of any company.